Account Types

Swaps and rollover

long short
points usd per lot points usd per lot
DJ30 -1038.44 -10.3844 146.42 1.4642
ND100 -491.97 -4.9197 69.37 0.6937
S&P500 -139.83 -13.983 19.72 1.972
FTSE100 -203.32 -2.53062 31.47 0.39169
CAC40 -144.78 -1.51062 6.17 0.06438
NKD225 -351.17 -2.25654 -350.4 -2.2516
DAX40 -389.95 -4.0687 16.62 0.17341
ASX200 -191.17 -1.19573 25.35 0.15856

  • Swaps in points.
  • 3-Days Swaps on Friday.
  • The swap charges are updated on a weekly basis.